Review: Developing Spiritual Intelligence: The Power of You

Developing Spiritual Intelligence: The Power of You
Developing Spiritual Intelligence: The Power of You by Altazar Rossiter

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the review that I wrote for this book, at the request of the author, just prior to its publication:

“When I read I often write down quotes and snippets that strike me as somehow of significance that I might like to go back to at some point. As I read ‘Developing Spiritual Intelligence’ I found myself pretty much copying out the whole thing until sense prevailed.

“This book is stunning! Expertly crafted, Rossiter writes with a power and authority that can only be the result of deep and intelligent inner enquiry. ‘Developing Spiritual Intelligence’ has all the hallmarks of becoming a classic of the spiritual/personal development genre. Even if you have read all of the other major works in the field, this one will still give you new insights in a fresh and accessible way.

“Full of user-friendly practical material, Rossiter takes you by the hand and leads you on a journey to discovery of your true self – ‘powerful’ is the only word to describe this process.

“One of the best books of its type I have read in years – highly recommended.”

View all my reviews

About Steve Gooch

I am a writer and teacher of self-development courses. I have a passion for Mindfulness Meditation, QiGong and esoteric Buddhism. My last book was 'Reiki Jin Kei Do: The Way of Compassion & Wisdom' and I am currently putting the finishing touches to 'Mindfulness Meditation & The Art of Reiki'.
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